ADHD Strategies at Home: Getting Organized 

ADHD got you feeling foggy, disorganized, or maybe just a bit out of wack? This is the list for you! Maybe you’re someone recently diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or share a home with a partner, child, or roommate who has ADHD. This list is meant as an introduction to strategies to help keep us organized in our day to day lives with ADHD. 

Task Chunking Your To-Do List 

Task chunking is a simple technique to practice when we are attempting to make big changes like getting more organized at home. How many of us have had lofty goals and dreams where we imagine the perfect way to get our to-do lists done on time? How often does it still not get done because things get complicated, with no clear place to start? This is where task chunking comes into play.

Let’s start with the goal of cleaning your house. Seems simple right? But then where do we start? Instead of beginning with “cleaning the house,” break the task down and even write it out to help clean up mental space. 

Goal: Clean the Bathroom 

  1. Take out the trash. Or, pick up any trash and place it in a bag. 
  2. Take out rugs/towels and place them in a basket. 
  3. Find cleaning supplies (Tip: Place all your cleaning supplies in an easy-to-reach place ahead of time)
  4. Take items off the toilet and place them in a basket/designated spot.
  5. Scrub toilet.

You can apply this strategy to just about anything, regardless of whether it’s cleaning, responding to emails, or remembering to pay your bills. Remember that when navigating low energy or motivation it’s okay to just complete one step. The key is to return where we left off. Remember – any task can be broken down into a smaller step, even if it is finding a phone number to use later. 

A note for parents when navigating task completion with a child: be very specific and use gentle, encouraging reminders to stay on task. This might mean it takes longer, so set up for success by beginning early. 

Check out Goblin Tools for a handy breakdown of common chores/tasks using task chunking techniques.  

 Setting Your Home Up for Success 

Let’s take a look at keeping your home functioning with ADHD in mind. Many of us design our homes with form over function in mind. Think of where some “stuck points” might already exist when going about your life at home. Check out the list below for some ideas on how to craft your living space with ADHD in mind.

  • Consider  “homes” for commonly needed objects in spaces where they are needed most. Keep these objects in the same places for easier access – e.g. pens in the kitchen, chargers in multiple places.
  • Have a miscellaneous basket in each room to keep any objects you can’t put away right at that moment. Be sure to have a specific time in mind of when to return to it.
  • Forming designated spaces can help keep distractions low and maintain organization so we keep our needed things close by. Consider changing a space like your desk or bed to pair with the things you want to do there. 

Building Routines That Make Sense For You 

Many of us have come across articles or tik toks of “what a successful person’s morning routine looks like” which can be great for some but might not work if mornings aren’t a high-energy time for you. A key aspect of routine building is becoming aware of what time of day seems to be most energetic for you. Maybe, if that’s late at night, think about what tasks can get done after work or even before bedtime. 

Don’t be afraid to do things “out of order” like exercise, making a bed, or responding to emails. Sometimes we might need to get something done during a set time, such as getting ready for work, school, or setting up a doctor’s appointment. Pair this with task chunking to help build up motivation and keep us on track. 

A tip: 

Use a body double when building a goal into your routine or when needing to complete a challenging task. Maybe that’s a spouse or a friend you meet with weekly to do homework with.

A Final Note

Whenever struggling with ADHD it’s never a bad idea to get some support. Check in with your primary doctor and seek out referrals to specialized practitioners such as psychiatrists or counselors to better help you understand how ADHD might affect you. 

Check out part two to this blog – ADHD Strategies at Home: Managing Your Time



About the Author

Eleanor Raker (she/her) MA., LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Eleanor works with teens (ages 14+) through adults who are seeking better balance in their lives and the tools to get them there. She believes the therapy process is unique to each person and strives to make meaningful connections to each client. Click here to learn more about Eleanor’s experience and therapeutic approach.