How often do we hear phrases like “time is money” or “time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” Time management is important to life functioning and a skill directly impacted by attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which can influence forgetfulness, time blindness, and lack of motivation for difficult tasks. This short guide is intended to give you a starting point in tackling time management problems with ADHD.
Pomodoro Timing
Originating from Francesco Cirillo, an Italian student who first used a tomato-shaped (pomodoro) timer to study in timed “chunks” rather than hours on end. This technique supports improved attention by dedicating a set amount of time (e.g. 15-20 min) to focus on a task. Regardless of whether the task is studying, cleaning, or paying your bills, the idea is that your focus time is then followed with a 5-10 min break. Using your break effectively is key to this technique, use this time to stretch, or maybe respond to a few texts/emails. Be mindful to not get too absorbed in the break, if checking your phone will suck you into a 30 minute break, picking something else might be a more effective choice. One interval of focused time and then break time is one “pomodoro block.” Choose how many blocks you want to complete (e.g. 2-3) and then allow yourself a longer break of 20-30 minutes. A final tip in using this technique is to limit other distractions such as phone notifications, choosing a quiet environment, or creating a quieter environment with earbuds.
*Tip: Check out the app Forest – a cute and simple pomodoro timer
Planning to Forget
Prepare to forget by scheduling things such as extra time or messages to take the mental load off. Let’s say you have a job interview coming up, plan to get there an hour earlier to make room for things that might come up, like forgetting your phone or misplacing your keys. Making use of technology is another way to reduce forgetfulness. Take advantage of tools like “schedule messages for later” for emails, or set alarms with a reminder as the description. Finally, sticky notes are a classic, but useful, method to remember. Leave a colorful note on your door so you don’t forget a document before you leave or place one nearby something you’re likely to forget.
*Tip: Make sure to remove the reminder/note as soon as its purpose is fulfilled, otherwise it will fade into the background and lose its effectiveness.
Remind me!
The best way to reduce forgetfulness is to make it really hard to even forget in the first place. Making use of a calendar or planner is often the go-to advice for those who struggle with forgetfulness. While not bad advice, it doesn’t always feel like a very helpful or simple fix. A good rule of thumb is to immediately enter whatever you’re wanting to remember in your preferred way (e.g. phone note, calendar, notebook). Then, add all the information you have at the time since you can always go back in and update it with more info. Think addresses, names, and objects to bring. Writing v.s. typing has been proven to be a better way to recall information. I find it most helpful to do both with a planner at home and a synced calendar app for when I’m on the go.
*Tip: Keep your materials in the same place to avoid losing your reminders.
Resetting your routine
Burnout can happen to anyone, but people are especially prone to it when having to battle extra barriers around time management. Take time to reset your routine when noticing the signs of burnout by establishing refreshing practices to work into your day. Maybe that’s sleeping in a little later than normal and waking up with tea and journaling. Or, maybe it’s taking an extra hour before bedtime to play animal crossing. Whatever feels refreshing to you, take the time to build it in, especially when dealing with that crushing feeling of burnout.
*Tip: Burnout can look like increased fatigue, irritability, or physical changes like insomnia. Know your individual sense of burnout and reset that routine as soon as you first notice your warning signs coming up.
Time Blindness
Losing track of time happens to all of us, but it is much more likely to happen to someone with ADHD. A good starting point is figuring out when your time blindness is beginning and tracking your time to establish your unique patterns. We often under or overestimate how much time it will take to get something done, which can lead to not planning effectively. How long does it typically take you to get ready in the morning? How much time do you really need to call your doctor? Getting an idea of how long these day-to-day tasks last will help you plan accordingly and lessen stress.
*Tip: Check out the app MultiTimer for an easy-to-use timer.Resources
If you want more help with skills like this, join our skills training groups or schedule with a therapist at CCDBT. We’d love to go more in-depth with this skill and many more like it!
About the Author
Eleanor Raker (she/her) MA., LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Eleanor works with teens (ages 14+) through adults who are seeking better balance in their lives and the tools to get them there. She believes the therapy process is unique to each person and strives to make meaningful connections to each client. Click here to learn more about Eleanor’s experience and therapeutic approach.
Pomodoro Technique | Dietrich Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Studies. (n.d.).
Ihara AS, Nakajima K, Kake A, Ishimaru K, Osugi K, Naruse Y. Advantage of Handwriting Over Typing on Learning Words: Evidence From an N400 Event-Related Potential Index. Front Hum Neurosci. 2021 Jun 10;15:679191. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.679191. PMID: 34177498; PMCID: PMC8222525.