How to Maintain Sobriety on St Patrick’s Day

Pink journal that says, "Plan, pause, reflect" on the cover, held by DBT therapist Dr. Desirae Allen at Cincinnati Center for DBT. DBT skills are helpful in maintaining sobriety from alcohol and drugs.

Whether you’re Irish or not, St. Patrick’s Day is widely celebrated throughout the U.S. with, what seems like, the main goal being to drink as much as possible. This time of year can be especially challenging for those trying to maintain their sobriety. For one, winter weather doesn’t help inspire positive emotions in many of … Read more

What is Comprehensive DBT?

Photo of DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets by Marsha Linehan and mindfulness bowl. These are part of adherent DBT offered at Cincinnati Center for DBT

“DBT didn’t work for me.” More often than not, when we hear this from new clients, it’s because they actually, in fact, did not receive DBT. Many mental health providers are familiar with DBT skills or have attended a few workshops, but few have undergone the rigorous training and supervision to provide DBT as it … Read more

What is DBT Phone Coaching?

Have you ever been in an emotional crisis? Maybe you’ve had some difficult, everyday situation and you don’t know what to do about it. Or, maybe you struggle with suicidal thoughts, addiction, or some other maladaptive behaviors and you’re right on the brink of doing the one thing you’ve sworn to yourself you weren’t going … Read more

DBT Skills for Mother’s Day

A person holding a bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day

Although Mother’s Day can bring a lot of joy and celebration, it can also bring up a lot of pain, sadness, and anger.  It can be difficult to cope with Mother’s Day for a variety of reasons: your mother or children may no longer be in your life due to death or estrangement; you may … Read more

DBT Skills for COVID-19, Part 5: Judgments

The words "Be Kind" painted on a wooden sign, followed by a heart

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken so many aspects of our lives. We are being forced to live our lives very differently right now and it makes sense that a lot of different intense emotions would come up. In this five-part series, I will discuss five of the most common ways I’ve seen COVID-19 shake people’s … Read more

DBT Skills for COVID-19, Part 4: Boredom

A girl standing alone looking out a window

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken so many aspects of our lives. We are being forced to live our lives very differently right now and it makes sense that a lot of different intense emotions would come up. In this five-part series, I will discuss five of the most common ways I’ve seen COVID-19 shake people’s … Read more

DBT Skills for COVID-19, Part 3: Change

A mobile phone with a covid contact detection app that says, "897 tested, 1 New Cases, 0 Deceased"

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken so many aspects of our lives. We are being forced to live our lives very differently right now and it makes sense that a lot of different intense emotions would come up. In this five-part series, I will discuss five of the most common ways I’ve seen COVID-19 shake people’s … Read more

DBT Skills for COVID-19, Part 2: Fear

A blue background with the words "No fear"

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken so many aspects of our lives. We are being forced to live our lives very differently right now and it makes sense that a lot of different intense emotions would come up. In this five-part series, I will discuss five of the most common ways I’ve seen COVID-19 shake people’s … Read more

DBT Skills for COVID-19, Part 1: Isolation

A person wearing a surgical mask with their head in their hand

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken so many aspects of our lives. We are being forced to live our lives very differently right now and it makes sense that a lot of different intense emotions would come up. In this five-part series, I will discuss five of the most common ways I’ve seen COVID-19 shake people’s … Read more