What to do if your child is being bullied

In this previous blog, I talked about what your child does not tell you about bullying. This is the second of three blogs in that series. They can be read on their own, but I encourage you to read all three! In this one I will talk about what you can do as parents when … Read more

Bullying: What Parents Need to Know

  We have all heard of the term bullying before. It is not a new concept; it has been around in some form for all our lives. Odds are that you have encountered it or know someone who has. Just like everything else bullying has evolved to fit the age and technology that we now have … Read more

Turning PDA into Willingness

Pathological demand avoidance (PDA) is characterized by an extreme avoidance of everyday demands and expectations, even when it would be effective to satisfy the demands. This behavior is common in neurodivergent people and can result in significant challenges in daily life. PDA can occur with external demands and internal demands. External demands are tasks or … Read more

Tips to Decrease Procrastination

Procrastination is one of the most common topics that comes up with my clients and it is the most relatable. I find it ironic that I procrastinated on a blog about procrastination. Odds are we have all been there at some time. A project you must do but you find time-consuming or hard to get … Read more

Am I Dissociating?

How Dissociation Can Show Up in Day-to-Day Life In this previous blog, I wrote about dissociation and gave a brief overview of this phenomenon, what it is, how it is that people come to dissociate, different types of dissociation, and where to start looking for help. I’ve found that dissociation is such a broad phenomenon, … Read more

What Even is a Dialectic?

Dialectics are a huge part of what makes DBT effective and different from other types of therapy. It’s so important that it is a part of the name of the therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy. The term “dialectical” refers to the synthesis or integration of opposites. Essentially being able to recognize that there are opposing ideas … Read more

Demystify the Decision to Divorce

When married couples are deciding whether to get divorced, one or both parties will likely experience a prolonged emotional crisis. The decision to divorce is often fraught with tension, conflict, and moments of despair. Due to the emotional difficulties surrounding divorce, it is difficult for  both individuals who are experiencing a potential divorce and others … Read more

Understanding Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)

Welcome! Are you someone who has heard of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and wondering what exactly it is? Or, maybe you’re familiar but curious to learn about its ins and outs. If so this is the blog for you!  ERP is considered the top evidence-based treatment for anxiety disorders, including social anxiety, phobias, and … Read more

Emotional Hangovers

  A couple of months ago, I was the Matron of Honor at my sister’s wedding. It was a great time, and I was stressed for most of the day making sure that things ran smoothly. The next day I woke up with a terrible headache, still exhausted and feeling overstimulated by any noise or … Read more

Managing Conflict through Electronic Communication

Navigating conflict effectively via text message, email, and other written forms of communication is quite different than navigating conflict face-to-face. It is like walking through a maze in pitch-black conditions, rather than walking through a maze in broad daylight. The maze is challenging either way, but you are even more likely to run into pitfalls … Read more